Friday, September 14, 2007

Staff Profile: Kenithia

My name is… Kenithia

My job at the center is… Teacher’s Assistant

Hometown…I was born and raised in Nashville, Tennessee

College Attended/Attending & Major…I am currently attending Tennessee State University where I am majoring in Biology with a teaching certification for grades 7-12.

Favorite Song…My favorite song is “No Weapon”, I don't remember who it is by, but it is an old gospel song.

If I were irresponsible and could max out a credit card at any store, it would be…Target. What, corny? I know but they have really nice things there to wear (for mommies and daughters) and you can get all of your household supplies.

My favorite thing about working at the center is…I am surrounded by beautiful kids from a totally different country. That keeps me on my toes everyday, but they come with the same wit and tricks as our beautiful American kids. Don’t be surprised when one of them charms you out of whatever they need from you. Oh! Let’s not forget my major is in education so I get experience working here.

My least favorite thing about working at the center is… that my job begins in the middle of the day. Nobody likes coming into work in the middle of the day. Good thing my “most favorite” outweighs my “least favorite”.

My favorite anecdote from my time here is…I guess my favorite anecdote would be a time when one of our students was having a really bad day. Actually this child was having a bad week. Instead of sending this student home everyday I sat with her and started talking and asking if anything was wrong. Of course at first she said “no” with lots of attitude. So I kept talking, but about random things just to lighten up the situation. Finally this particular student opened up, I gave my full attention, ears, and shoulder for this child during this emotional time. Shortly after this she would linger around me, I assumed because she felt comfortable to be around me. I felt I had the chance to put a little mind and heart at ease for the time being. Nothing made me feel more happy and special than that moment with that student.

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