Friday, November 27, 2009


The middle school students of the THRIVE after school program helped the environment and enriched their local community through one of their seasonal community service projects. The students maintain complete creative control over their projects and collective decided on a beautification venture for their very own, CWA Plaza Apartments. With the help of Ms. Carol Norton, Chair of Rediscover East; Ms. Vicki Crick, On-Site Complex Manger of CWA Plaza Apartments; and a band of gracious volunteers, 13 students planted ten trees along the apartment grounds. They incorporated teamwork and hard work as they planted, mulched, and watered the seedlings. Mr. Thomas Solensky provided guidance and the center’s Board showed its support as Mr. Ed. Phillips, lent a helping hand. CWA complex staff helped with preparation and even a few high schoolers donated their time. Wednesday November 25 was a great day as THRIVE students showcased their community and environmental pride!

The THRIVE middle school students would like to give a special thanks to:

Ms. Carol Norton, Rediscover East
Mr. Thomas Solensky,
Ms. Vicki Crick & Mr. Jeremiah Crick, CWA Plaza Apartments
Ms. Tanga Gibson & Mr. Andre Johnson, CWA Plaza Apartments
Mr. Ed. Phillips, Director of Multifamily Program, HUD
Ms. Annette Fuller & Ms. Crystal Goodman, HUD
Ms. Mekayle Houghton & Mr. Augie Houghton, Project Blue Streams
Ms. Deonna Ladd, Ms. Sonaida Adam, Ms. Yasmine Eli, & Mr. Sanad Adam, THRIVE
Metro Beautification

Monday, November 16, 2009

Students Take A Stand Against Violence

THRIVE students partnered with the Oasis Center and the Youth Opportunity Center to help stop youth violence in Nashville. The citywide "Keeping Our Youth" March was hosted by Youth United and was held on November 14. Middle and high school students made signs and walked from the Juvenile Justice Center to the Metro Courthouse; advocating along the way. Following the march, students heard speeches from community leaders, payed homage to lives lost, and learned alternatives to youth violence. It was a memorable day for the city as THRIVE youth did their part to better their community.