Friday, July 25, 2008

Our Last Week of Camp!

Seven continents in seven weeks! Needless to say, we're a little jet-lagged! This week we were in Asia. With the Olympics coming up in just a few weeks we wanted our students to be more familiar with the continent on which they are taking place.

While "in" Asia, we learned to use chopsticks...

We also made dragon kites and tried to fly them outside...

The last day of camp (yesterday) the great people at VF Imagewear sponsored an Olympic Day at Shelby Park. They had games and a yummy lunch planned for everyone. And the weather was perfect... probably the prettiest (and least humid!!!) field trip day we've had all summer!

The center is closed next week while we unpack our bags and relax from all of our travels! Leave us a comment and let us know where you went this summer!!

Our next post (August 8) will fill you in on all the work that has been happening over the summer to increase our staff and our capacity for the school year!

Monday, July 21, 2008

A Trip To Africa

Last week our students studied Africa. Here are two videos from our day of African drumming and dance with Ms. Daisy!

This week we also went to the Nashville Zoo!

Friday, July 11, 2008

Royalty Arrives At The Center

For Europe Week, our elementary students became royalty and enjoyed afternoon tea together!

Khadija showing off her crown!

Students enjoying their tea and cucumber sandwiches!

Students also performed a play in our backyard this week! Here's a photo taken while they performed!

Next week we're off to Africa!!

Thursday, July 3, 2008

Antarctica & Ice Cream

This week we are in Antarctica! And to celebrate that continent, we made the yummiest, coldest thing we could think of... ICE CREAM!

Rahama "churning" her ice cream!

Hussein showing off his vanilla ice cream!

Here's the recipe if you want to try it at home...

  • Measuring cups & spoons
  • 2 oz. milk, cream, or half & half
  • Vanilla extract or chocolate syrup
  • 1 tsp. sugar
  • Ice
  • Salt
  • Sandwich size freezer bag and large size freezer bag
  • Newspaper or towel to help "churning"
In the smaller bag, add the milk (or cream or half & half) and a dash of vanilla (or 1/2 teaspoon of chocolate syrup). Seal the bag and "squish" and shake it to mix things up.

Now fill the larger plastic bag half full of ice and add a generous portion of salt.

Make sure your small bag is completely sealed and place it in the larger bag filled with ice and salt. Seal the larger bag.

Wrap your large bag with newspaper or towels. Shake and "churn"! Check every few minutes to see if ice cream has frozen.

When its frozen take it out of the bag and EAT!