Friday, April 18, 2008

Neighborhood Networks Conference

As we've explained in earlier posts, we are a part of a national initiative called Neighborhood Networks. Neighborhood Networks, through the US Department of Housing & Urban Development, began this initiative in 1995 to provide technology access and other resources in HUD-insured or HUD-assisted properties.

Next week Neighborhood Networks is hosting one of its two Regional Technical Assistance Workshops (RTAWs) here in Nashville! We are very excited to host this year and are especially excited that they are bringing 50 RTAW participants to our center for a tour on Friday. We were the first in the country to become a MODEL center (the highest level) in Neighborhood Networks classification system and will be offering participants a chance to see what we do in action.

All of that said, next Friday will be a busy day and we will likely not have a post. But look for a new one early the next week with pictures from the event!

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